Nutrition & Lifestyle Coaching

Nutrition and Lifestyle Coaching for

Every Body

Whether you've already made positive steps forward in your wellness journey—or feel like you've tried everything with little success—we'll meet you where you're at.

Making positive, consistent, and longterm changes to your lifestyle isn't easy.

It's hard to know where to start given all the conflicting advice out there. And when you do take positive steps—like exercising or changing your diet—you may not get the results you want and lose motivation.

Or maybe you've already established a good workout routine, but you can't seem to shed weight around your midsection or you feel exhausted all the time—and you wonder if your lifestyle and eating habits are the culprit.

At Empower, we know that making impactful and enduring changes to our lifestyles is possible—we see it every day!

But for positive changes to stick, they need to be tailored to YOU. No templates. No one-size-fits-all recommendations.

If you want to change your lifestyle for the better and are willing to approach it with an open mind, we invite you to check out our nutrition and lifestyle coaching programs.

Choose from 1:1 sessions or a 6-week kickstart program

1:1 nutrition & lifestyle coaching

One-time, 1-to-1 counselling session to reset your wellness journey

Get Started

In this one-hour nutrition and lifestyle counselling session, Coach Amy will talk with you about your wellness and lifestyle goals in a warm, caring, and non-judgemental environment over Zoom, in the privacy of your own home.

She'll also arrange for you to come into the gym for a body composition analysis (optional) to accurately assess where you're body is at.

Based on this conversation and analysis, Amy will design personalized lifestyle and nutrition strategies that are built specifically for YOU, taking into account your body, goals, and life commitments.

And you can start to implement those strategies immediately!

You can book multiple 1-to-1 nutrition and lifestyle counselling sessions over time to track your progress, update your plan, and stay accountable to your goals. Alternatively, you may choose to sign up for our 3-month "Stay With It" nutrition and lifestyle counselling program.

No membership required. Sign up anytime.

One-to-one nutrition and lifestyle counseling in Vancouver
One-to-one nutrition and lifestyle counseling in Vancouver

One-time, 1-to-1 counselling session to build on your hard work at the gym

Level Up

If you're consistently working hard at the gym but have reached a plateau in your results—such as struggling to trim your waistline or maintain your energy levels throughout the day—then this one-to-one nutrition and lifestyle session is for you.

We'll start with a body composition test at the Empower gym to get a measurable, accurate assessment of where your body is at in terms of lean muscle and fat mass.

Coach Amy will then review the results with you over Zoom (in the privacy of your own home) to discuss your goals and habits and start to uncover what might be holding you back.

You'll walk away with do-able recommendations that you can use to uplevel your gym performance and have you looking and feeling better. Even small changes can yield big results!

You can book multiple sessions over time to track your progress, update your plan, and stay accountable to your goals. Alternatively, you may choose to sign up for our 3-month "Stay With It" nutrition and lifestyle counselling program.

No membership required. Sign up anytime.

3-month, 1-to-1 counselling program

Stay With It

In this program, Coach Amy provides you with ongoing nutrition and lifestyle guidance and support over three months to keep you accountable and manifest real, measurable changes in your lifestyle and body.

The program starts with:

  • One 1-hour counselling session over Zoom, in the privacy of your home

  • One body composition session with report analysis

You'll then receive:

  • Two 30-minute Zoom counselling sessions (months two and three)

  • Two more body composition sessions and report analysis (months two and three)

  • Weekly online check-ins to track your progress

  • Regular adjustments to your program to maximize your results

  • Continuous support and encouragement to help make you successful

At the end of three months, you'll have established new, positive habits, achieved some real, measurable results, and have a clear path forward for better health.

No membership required. Start anytime.

Nutrition and lifestyle coaching in Vancouver
Personal training classes in Vancouver

1-to-1 personal fitness training

Get Moving

Our 1-to-1 personal fitness training sessions make an excellent complement to our nutrition & lifestyle programs.

Movement has to be part of any healthy lifestyle—but what works best for you can be very different from someone else.

As with our nutrition & lifestyle coaching, our personal fitness training is customized to meet you where you're at. Soon you'll find that coming to the gym is the very best part of your day—and you're reaching your wellness goals faster.

Talk to Coach Amy to learn more.

Nutrition & lifestyle kickstart programs

Current session started October 19. You can still join!

6-week kickstart program

Fitness & Nutrition Challenge

Join us October 19 to November 30, 2024 for our next 6-week fitness and nutrition challenge.

This program is offered only three times a year: fall, winter, and late spring—so don't miss out!

This challenge is delivered online over six weeks with some in-gym workouts and body analysis scans mixed in. It's designed to kickstart all aspects of your health, from building strength to boosting energy to enhancing your mental clarity—while having fun at the same time.

Here's just some of what you'll receive:

  • 2 body composition sessions with report analysis (scheduled at your convenience)

  • 2 fun sandbag workouts (October 26 & November 16, optional)

  • Weekly challenges

  • Personalized protein plan

  • Sample meal plans

  • Fiber tracking tips

  • Mindset mastery tools

  • Personalized support and encouragement from Coach Amy and your fellow participants

You'll emerge from the program feeling more vital than ever, both physically and mentally.

No membership required. Everyone welcome!

Fitness and nutrition programs in Vancouver

Included in all our nutrition and lifestyle coaching programs

Real, measurable results with body composition analysis

Body composition testing in Vancouver

Weight and body mass index (BMI) are common measures that people use to track their path to better health. There's only one problem: they're wildly inadequate and often misleading.

At Empower, we use a bioelectric body composition analyzer to measure how much lean mass and body fat mass you have.

In just 15 seconds, these devices will generate a detailed report of your muscle, fat, and water values, including lean mass and fat values in different segments of your body. All you have to do is stand on the device and hold the electrodes.

Your coach will walk through the report with you and use it as a guide to develop and refine your nutrition and/or exercise program to put you closer to your health and fitness goals. You'll get your own copy that you can keep as a benchmark of your body composition at that moment in time.

We incorporate bioelectric body composition tests into all of our nutrition and lifestyle coaching programs. They can also be purchased separately—no membership required.

Check out what our coaches have to say

Words of wisdom about nutrition and fitness from our blog

What stories have you convinced yourself are true?  And how are they limiting you?

What Stories Do You Tell Yourself

October 25, 20243 min read

What stories have you convinced yourself are true?  And how are they limiting you?

Vancouver Personal Training

When I belonged to the Langley Rotary Club we would host guest speakers at our weekly lunch meetings.  One noon we were visited by a local Canadian Olympian, an equestrian athlete who shared with us her tales of woe.  She explained to us that unlike the equestrian athletes of many other countries, Canadian equestrian athletes do not receive financial support from our government requiring her to work full time to support herself, detracting from her training hours.  Even worse, because so many qualifying events are held in Europe she was at an additional disadvantage.  Unable to transport her horse overseas, she was required to compete on unfamiliar European horses whereas her European competitors enjoyed the advantage of riding horses with whom they trained daily.  She bemoaned the injustice of this uneven playing field that made it close to impossible for Canadian riders to compete at the top levels.

Vancouver Personal Training

It was a compelling argument until we were visited the following week by a young lady in a wheelchair.  A paraplegic after a horse jumping accident, she continued to compete in horse jumping.  Though she clearly qualified for the paralympics, she chose to represent Canada jumping horses against able-bodied competitors because she found that despite her injury, she was still competitive.  She beamed as she told us that her employer, RBC, was very flexible with her schedule allowing her time away to travel and compete in pursuit of her Olympic dream.  She was very upbeat, grateful and optimistic.  But informed as we were by our previous speaker, we raised the question of being forced to adapt to riding unfamiliar horses when she competed overseas.  She shrugged dismissively, admitting that while this could prove potentially challenging, she made a point of arriving a few days early to get familiar with her horse. 

Vancouver Personal Training

What a contrast, these two speakers!  The able-bodied rider was a victim of unfair circumstances while the woman in the wheelchair loved her life, loved her sport and believed that she could succeed despite the odds.  It was a powerful lesson. 

Vancouver Personal Training

A woman I know recently complained that she felt persecuted by her landlords and neighbours on account of her religion.  I could not help but laugh when I heard the complaint because, unbeknownst to her, the landlords and her neighbour are of the same religion as she.  Can you imagine, she is walking through her life carrying the burden of imagined religious persecution?  What a tough way to live!

Vancouver Personal Training

Next time you tell yourself a story or harbour a limiting belief, take a moment to recognize that it is nothing but a construct that you have fabricated and may have nothing at all to do with reality.  Somewhere, someone with all the disadvantages that you imagine and more is overcoming the same challenges without complaint.  At the end of the day, attitude is everything.  As the old nugget goes: “Your attitude determines your altitude.” 

Be careful which stories you choose to believe!

Reclaim Your Brain

Friday Make Up Day

1) Empower Reset #43
10 mins
20 Deadbugs

20 Egg Rolls
20 Windshield Wipers
20 Glute Raises

10 mins
20 Hands & Knees Rock
20 Bird Dogs
10/10 Leg Extended Rock R/L

10 mins
Alternate Between:

Hands & Knees Crawl
Leopard Crawl

10 mins
10 Full Body Rocks
20 Cross Crawl March
10 Cross Crawl Squats
10 Cross Crawl Reverse Lunges
10 Cross Crawl Side Lunges

10 Cross Crawl Curtsy Lunges

Complete as many reps as possible in 12 minutes of:
3 burpees to a 6-inch target
3 GHD sit-ups
6 burpees to a 6-inch target
6 GHD sit-ups
9 burpees to a 6-inch target
9 GHD sit-ups
...Continue to add 3 reps to each exercise until time expires.

3) For time:

9 deadlifts
15 front squats
21 clean and jerks

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CrossFit certified coaches - Amy

About Coach Amy

Coach Amy is on a mission to help people become the best versions of themselves by providing personalized workouts and nutrition and lifestyle coaching in a safe, fun, motivating, non-threatening environment.

From her work in healthcare, Amy has seen firsthand the difference a fit and nourished body makes in handling the challenges life throws at us. Health is our real wealth—and exercise and nutrition are our best medicine!

It's never too late to get started. Don’t let your past fitness experiences or beliefs about aging and nutrition define your limits.

You can learn more about Coach Amy by checking out her bio and reading her blog posts.


Contact Us

235-2083 Alma Street

Vancouver, British Columbia

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