Jun shihan gail lajoie

Jun Shihan Gail Lajoie began training in Seido Karate in 1993, achieving the rank of Shodan in 1996. In that same year, she began teaching classes for adults and children. She became a direct student of Kaicho Nakamura in 2003, and received her 6th degree black belt in 2018. In addition to teaching classes at Cayuga Lake Seido Karate, Jun Shihan Gail also teaches classes in Personal Defense at Wells College. She travels regularly to New York City to continue her own training with Kaicho Nakamura and Nidaime Akira Nakamura.

Jun Shihan Gail is a frequent participant in the annual Seido Benefit Tournament, most recently winning the Women’s Master’s Kata division in 2010 while placing second in both the free fighting and breaking competitions. She also participates regularly as a judge of kata and kumite, and helped to organize Seido’s 30th Anniversary (Saiten) in 2006 and 40th Anniversary (Goen) in 2016. Jun Shihan Gail has also had the opportunity to participate in clinics, classes, and tournaments across the US, South Africa, and Japan. She also holds instructor certifications in Conflict Resolution and Self-Defense.

Jun Shihan Gail has both a bachelor’s and a master’s degree in Music Education from Ithaca College, and a Certificate of Advanced Study in Education Administration from SUNY Cortland. She holds New York State teaching certifications in Music and in School District Administration. Throughout her 24-year career in education, she worked as a teacher at both the elementary and secondary levels and was a provider of staff development and support for teachers. She is now a full-time karate instructor and small business owner.